
井田 勝大
2007年、東京バレエ団『ドナウの娘』日本初演にあたり指揮者アシスタントとして楽譜の修正を含め大きな役割を果たす。2007年11月、Kバレエ カンパニー『白鳥の湖』公演でデビュー。以降、Kバレエの多くの公演を指揮するほか、東京バレエ団、新国立劇場バレエ団、東京シティ・バレエ団、谷桃子バレエ団、ウィーン国立バレエ団、ロシア国立モスクワ・クラシックバレエ団等、国内外のバレエ公演を指揮。2018年4月以降、NHK『バレエの饗宴』で指揮を務めている。
現在、K-BALLET TOKYO及びシアター オーケストラ トウキョウ音楽監督、グランドフィルハーモニック東京 首席客演指揮者。信州大学教育学部講師、洗足学園音楽大学非常勤講師。
Born in Tottori Prefecture, Katsuhiro Ida graduated from the Department of Music, Tokyo Gakugei University, and completed the Graduate School of Tokyo Gakugei University. From 2003, he worked as a production assistant for opera companies touring Japan, as well as working for Seiji Ozawa and Zubin Mehta to assist their opera performances at La Scala in Milan, Vienna State Opera, Bavarian State Opera, and the Opera no Mori in Tokyo.
In 2007, he assumed a vital role as the assistant conductor for the Japanese premiere of La fille du Danube (The Daughter of the Danube) performed by the Tokyo Ballet Company, including the modification of the score. In November 2007, Katsuhiro Ida made his debut in K-Ballet Company’s Swan Lake. After that, he conducts many performances of K-Ballet, as well as The Tokyo Ballet, National Ballet of Japan, Tokyo City Ballet Company, Tani Momoko Ballet Company, Vienna State Ballet Company, Russian National Moscow Classical Ballet Company, and many other ballet performances at home and abroad. Also, in April 2018 , Ida served as the conductor for NHK’s Ballet Festival.
As for music production, Katsuhiro Ida selected songs and arranged music for the Adventures of Tom Sawyer performed by K-Ballet Youth Company, Carmen, Cleopatra and Madame Butterfly by K-Ballet Company. In April 2009, Name released a CD album titled Tetsuya Kumakawa’s The Nutcracker. He conducted orchestras, such as the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, Japan Century Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo City Philharmonic Orchestra, Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra, and the Kyushu Symphony Orchestra. He also instructs many professional and amateur orchestras and choirs.
He studied trumpet under Kenji Tamiya, Akira Tanaka, and Hiroki Yamashiro and conducting techniques under Norihisa Yamamoto and Masamitsu Takahashi.
Today, Katsuhiro Ida is the music director of K-Ballet Tokyo and Theater Orchestra Tokyo, Principal Guest Conductor of Grand Philharmonic TOKYO, and serves as Senior Assistant Professor of Shinshu University and a part‐time instructor at the Senzoku Gakuen College of Music.